Making forestry a career option for Northland students
Aa BackIn a bid to attract school leavers to the industry, the Forest Growers Levy Trust has become a major sponsor of the InZone Careers Bus which tours High Schools and Colleges around New Zealand. The bus which is completely wrapped in a forest graphic contains 26 interactive video terminals.
Students log into the terminals using their mobile number as ID. They then watch a series of video interviews of young people working in various industries. If they would like to know more they tap an ‘I’m Interested’ button and the website address for the training body or company featured in the video is sent to their phone.
The range of forestry careers shown includes research, road construction, environmental work, planning and harvesting operations.
The InZone Careers Bus has recently toured Northland and our General Manager Neil Geerkens joined the students of BOI College to check out the bus. He commented that “it was great to see students so engaged. The videos are a fantastic way to communicate the career opportunities that forestry offers, in a way that’s relevant to them”.